Human beings are blessed with amazing brain power to create fat and secured vehicles for his journey, even to space. But in case of inborn talent for movement humans never reach up to animals. To catch the prey, to make migration, searching for shelter some animals gain great speed in no time. Here list of top 10 most fastest animals on Earth.
10 Brown Hare
Brown hare are small mammals native to western Europe and Asia. Brown hares are larger in size than that off rabbits, have longer legs, longer ears and black tips than rabbits. Brown hare can gain maximum speed of 77 km per hour.
The powerful hind legs of brown hare help them to gain speed in short time. They normally runs in straight paths, also can change the direction in no time, can maintain speed in zingzag movement. The speedy movement of brown hare help them to escape from large number of natural predators.
9 Blue Wildbeest
Blue Wildbeest are grass eating mammals native to south and east Africa. They grown up to a height of 1.30 meters. The strong legs and shoulders helps Blue Wildbeest to gain speed up to 80 km per hour. The speedy movement help Blue Wildbeest to find shelters from predators and to make migration easily.
Blue Wildbeest are normally found in groups. They make migration in dry season to wet lands in searching for grass. Blue Wildbeest used to get alarm of predators from Zebras those animals which follows same migratory path.
8 Marlin Fish
Marlins are one of the longest fishes in the world, up to 14 feet native to Atlantic and Pacific ocean. They can gain a top speed of 80 km per hour in swimming, can dive to deep ocean in short time. Marlin fish typically chooses warm temperature ocean regions for living.
This blue water fish have habit of making long distance migration, up to several thousands of miles. Marlin uses the force of ocean currents to gain maximum speed. Their strong sharp spear help them to gain food and to attack predators.
7 Pronghorn Antelope
Pronghorn Antelope are North American native animal that can run very long distance with speed of 98 km per hour. Unlike other fast moving animals pronghorn Antelope have ability to run fast at the same time can travel long distance without getting tired. Even though cheetahs are faster than that of pronghorn antelope they can never run long distance with same energy as that of pronghorn antelope.
Pronhorn Antelope grown up to a height of three feet, have very strong legs and shoulders. Pronhorn Antelopes makes 300 miles long migration in different season. Thye typically chooses bank of rivers and grasslands as migrative destinations.
6 Sail Fish
Sail fish is the fastest fish in ocean native to Atlantic and Indo-Pacific region. They can gain a top speed of 110 km per hour in swimming. Sail fish’s long body shape up to 11 feet help them to to make faster swimming and diving. They chooses warm ocean water ti live, found within surface area of ocean. Sail fishes make use of their faster swimming habit to escape from predator like octopus and dolphin fish.
5 Cheetah
As you know cheetah is the fastest running animal on land, can gain a top speed of 113 km per hour. The strong long legs helps cheetahs to gain this speed within no time. Unlike other members of bi cats family cheetahs are small in size and have height of 3 feet.
Cheetahs are native to Africa and Asia, found in open areas. Interestingly the chases for preys by cheetahs meet success within 40 to 60 seconds. Cheetahs make use of their tails to steer right direction of run. Unfortunately number of cheetahs becomes decreases year by year, need to protect this amazing animal group.
4 Spur Winged Goose
Sour Winged Goose is the largest group in the goose family native to South Africa, are 40 inches long and weighs up to 8 kg. Spur Winged Goose can flies with maximum speed of 142 km per hour. They are mainly found in wet lands, bank of rivers and likes in Africa. Sour Winged Goose also make migration ranging to several hundreds of kilometers in different seasons.
3 Frigate Bird
Frigate Birds are long winged fork tailed ocean birds native to South America. Frigate birds flew as fast as 153 km per hour, blessed by largest wingspan to it’s body weight. They used this fast move to steal food from other ocean birds. Interestingly frigate bird spends most of it’s life span in sky, they used to touch the ground rarely. But they formed nests with strong sticks at the tome of breeding nearest to oceans.
2 Spine tailed Swift
Spine tailed Swift is the second fastest animal species on Earth. In another point of view it is the fastest flying bird in powered flight. That is Spine tailed Swift won’t use any kind of supporting powers like wind currents to make it’s flight fast. It is native to central Asia and Siberia and can gain top flying speed of 172 km per hour.
Spine tailed Swifts have short legs and long wings, makes their flight smooth. They used to spend most part of their lifespan in sky, used to breed in nest within high elevated cliffs. Spine tailed Swift is also a migratory bird, used to travel several hundreds of miles in various seasons.
1 Peregrine Falcon
Peregrine Falcons are fastest moving species on planet Earth. They can gain incredible top speed of 322 km per hour in flight. Peregrine Falcons can live in all regions except Antarctica. They have long tails and point sharped long wings which helps faster movement in air. Peregrine Falcon also have good eye sight, can easily sense it’s preys from great heights.
Peregrine Falcons used to make nests in high cliffs and skyscrapers mainly near ocean regions. They used to have small ocean birds in their diet. Also in each year Peregrine Falcons made several thousands of mile length migration from one continent to other.