Submit A List Post

Create a high-quality listpost that comes under our four major categories – Nature, Travel, Lifestyle and Universe. Write with the user in mind. Make sure you use high standard English for your writing. Once complete send it to us. Our editors will check whether your post follow the submission rules we have mentioned.

If everything goes right, your post will be published on the first page of themysteriousworld after some final editing. We will also pay you $25 for your work. We only make payment by PayPal service. You should send your PayPal ID (PayPal Email address) along with the post.


Full Name *
Nick Name
Used as author credit
Email Address *
Paypal Address (Email)
Author Bio
Share a little biographical information with us, so that our readers would get a brief idea about you. Avoid any of your social profiles, email addresses or websites
Not more that 150 characters**

Your Top 10 Lists
Category *
List Title *
Not more than 72 characters**
A brief intro about your post *
Not more than 250 characters**
Full content of your Post with List *
Not less than 1000 characters** | Do not include Images/Videos, Let us take care about that.
Where did you hear about us *

Quick Tips

To Avoid

  • Adult content.
  • Hatred, violence, harassment or racism.
  • Gambling.
  • Alcohol or tobacco related content.
  • Political content.
  • Restricted businesses.

Rules To Follow

  • Your list post should contain 10 items.
  • Choose any topic under four main categories – Nature, Travel, Lifestyle and Universe.
  • Should contain minimum 1000 words.
  • Article should be very genuine and don’t steal from others.
  • Include a list of references under the post.


  • By selling your article you agreed to transfer all right of that article to themysteriousworld.
  • Once your article get purchased and published, themysteriousworld become sole owner of all copyrights of that article.
  • The rights of publication also include to use your article on various publication formats including videos, magazines and book…etc.